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(L) Convention organizer John Luka gets the ball rolling (R) Hired gun Bob King smokes the group.

(L) Lee Asher, "Please sit down sir. It's only a trick." (R) Super Fly, Aldo Colombini.

(L) Aaron Fisher stretching some invisible thread. (R) Troy Hooser, Maria Schwieter and Tony Miller strike the pose.

Master street magician Jim Cellini makes a rare appearance

Aldo's dealer booth is open for business.

Lee Asher charms the crowd with a deck of cards.

Troy Hooser performs "Cereal Killer" and kills.

Bob King, "Rock on brothers and sisters."

Lee puts the whammy on his surveillance camera.

Aldo amazes even himself.

Jim Cellini once again in character.

Cellini recreating his street magic act to the delight of everyone.

THE classic - cups and balls.

(L) Aldo drinking the "big gulp." Fabian Fontela salutes Aldo's ability to drink wine. (R) John Dowdy and others at the Channel One party.

Don England, John Luka and Troy Hooser.

"Those aces are here somewhere.... "

"Got em!"   (R) Gordon Miller salutes the group.

(L) Aaron Fisher busts a move  (R) "You are getting sleepy....."

Channel One publisher and chief party animal Tony Miller becomes aware of the tricky cam.

"Pick a card.... any card...."

(C) Copyright 2002 Mike Powers Magic