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(L) Three of the "Big Four" get ready to rock. Dave Stone, Bob Sheets and Eugene.

(R) M.C. Gordon Miller begins one of the many raffles and other fun events.

Eugene and Bob Bengel watch funny man Bob Sheets begin his excellent rope routine.

(L) There's more rope where that came from. (R) Pick a card ... any card...

(L) David Stone has an incredible energy when he performs. (R) Things seem to move by themselves if you believe in spirits.

The Spanish Inquisition comes to Taylor Michigan as Eugene performs his fantastic presentation of Card Warp.

Bob Bengel can really charm the crowd. Ask him to tell you what happened when the tomato and the carrot crossed the road.

(L) "Knock on wood. (R) Eugene taking a power nap before the lecture.

(L) David caught just before the appearance of a cigarette. (R) If a bottle of wine appears between those hands??...........

(L) Marv Long coerced Denise Polizzi into wearing the strange getup but it's too difficult to explain...  (R) A candid shot of the crowd. BTW - the tiered seating is excellent. John spares no expense to optimize the viewing conditions.

(L) Yes it's a rubber ducky. I missed the photo at the end when giant rubber duckies appeared under the night caps. (Marv Long and Denise Polizzi)  (R) Tom Mosier performed a really excellent cups and balls routine where the balls are of different colors!! Very cool indeed.

(L) Adam gets the crowd riled up before performing a long gambling routine. (R) Fresh from her 2nd place win at the Midwest Magic Jubilee, Maria Schwieter gets warmed up.

(L) John Morgan's signed card ended up between two queens in HIS hand! (R) Bob Whitford performed some very visual card manipulations.